Italy Overview - Welcome to Exploenergy

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Italy Overview

With limited domestic energy resources, Italy is highly dependent on oil and gas imports to meet its demand.

The Italian Energy scenario, foresees continuous investments to mitigate the production decline and sustain the production of the residual existing gas resources, that have still important economic impact on the revenues of the Italian Government. Particular attention is dedicated to the exploitation of the residual potential in depleted and marginal fields.

The prolific Po Valley Basin has supplied a significant share of Italy gas need.
Most of the Italian Production was in Po Valley, from Pliocene silico-clastic reservoirs and Mesozoic carbonate reservoirs.


Infrastructure and Operation

The pipeline gas distribution is well extended in the country. The areas where we operate are industry intensive areas, served by extended networks and facilities for gas distribution, and high gas demand from the local industries is a real opportunity for gas supply.
The activities have a temporary impact on the environment, in a limited area, and once operations are concluded the area will be fully restored to its original condition.


Contractual Framework:

Exploration permit is awarded for a first phase (six year) drill or drop period. Two additional 3-years phases can be obtained by drilling a well in the prior phase.
Production in Italy is governed by tax/royalty fiscal terms. The tax rate generally applied on the total profit is between 54% and 60%; Italy’s fiscal terms rank amongst the top tier of government contracts worldwide.

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